Healthcare & Medical Investment Corporation



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Social Initiatives

Basic Policy

Initiatives for Solving the Challenges of an Aged Society

Healthcare Asset Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, “HAM”) believes that Healthcare & Medical Investment Corporation (hereinafter, “HCM”)’s continuous investment in healthcare facilities and its stable management of assets will help towards solving the social challenges of an aged society. Therefore, we have cooperated with various internal and external stakeholders including unitholders, operators and hospital personnel, the sponsors, executives and employees.

Responsibilities of HCM and HAM to Key Stakeholders

  • HCM &

Tenant Engagement

Building Trust with Operators and Understanding Operations

  • HCM &

Healthcare facilities are assets that require special know-how and expertise to operate, so in order to properly evaluate an asset on its business characteristics, it is necessary to evaluate the operator's business capabilities and management stability.

Building a relationship of trust with the operator is essential for properly conducting due diligence prior to acquisition and monitoring after acquisition.

HAM actively works to build trust by visiting the healthcare facility and meeting with the facility manager and others in charge to gain an appropriate understanding of the facility's operations.

HCM has built a stable portfolio through business due diligence and monitoring.

System Investment Utilizing ICT

Introduction of “EGAO link”, the system for enhancing efficiency of nursing care services

  • HCM &

HCM paid 44.6 million yen, the initial cost of capital expenditure for 2 properties owned by HCM, in a lump sum, while the operator paid for the amount of increase in rent, thereby leveling the payment of introduction cost and realizing early introduction. (2019)

  • Targeted facilities and amount of capital expenditure
    ASHEIM Bunkyohakusan (completed introduction in July 2019, 20.9 million yen)
    ASHEIM Hikarigaoka (completed introduction in August 2019, 25.6 million yen)
    Total Amount of capital expenditure 46.5 million yen

System of EGAO link

A system enabling understanding of situation, record input and response to calls with smartphones possessed by the staff by linking sleep sensor, nurse call and electronic medical chart with nurse call gateway.

Effect of Introduction of EGAO link

The quality of nursing care services is expected to improve through the improvement of business efficiency of nursing care staff and the reduction of work burden through ICT investments.

Effects of Introducing EGAO link at each property (July 2019 - September 2023)

Effects of Introducing EGAO link at ASHEIM Bunkyohakusan

  • HCM &
1. Reduction of care staff

Compared with the previous fiscal year, Staff per month increased by 1.6 people, or 282 hours/month.
The operator is continuing the structural review of the personnel structure that has been underway since the previous year to increase the ratio of full-time employees and decrease the number of part-time employees. The natural decrease in the number of part-time care staff had a major impact because the operator stopped hiring part-time care staff and shifted to a system centered on full-time, newly graduated employees. This policy will continue in the coming year, so the operator will continue to see a decrease in part-time care staff and an increase in employees.

2. Reducing burden of night-shift work for care staff

The operator changed from a system with two night-shift positions and one semi-night-shift position to a system with two night-shift positions by eliminating the semi-night-shift position, and as of September 30, 2023, the operator continues to implement this system.
As of September 30, 2023, even after eliminating the semi-night shift, night-shift staff were able to take 2 hours of break time every day.
Regular inspections were terminated on October 1, 2019, but as of September 30, 2023, the operator had not received any complaints from clients or suggestions from the authorities.

3. Improving quality of nursing care services

The operator has worked to improve operations with the goal of securing 2 hours per day, or 60 hours per month, for the provision of individual activities (activities aimed at revitalizing each resident mentally and physically). When EGAO link was introduced, the number of hours was 20 per month, but as of September 30, 2023, it had decreased by 16 hours. The reason for the significant decrease in hours from the previous year was due to new graduate on-the-job training and the transfer of experienced staff to newly opened homes.
The operator has taken steps to improve polypharmacy (harmful effects due to combining multiple medications) by using sleep sensors and a medical records software database. With a target of 6.0 or less for the average number of medications used, the operator is promoting optimal use of medications in accordance with residents’ health condition in collaboration with partner medical institutions and pharmacies, based on sleep data and medical records data.
As a result, as of September 30, 2023, the operator has achieved our target with 1.0 medications below the target.
As an index measuring the results of the initiatives implemented to date, the operator has tracked “maintaining and increasing length of stay through improvement of the hospitalization rate. Although the rate is up 0.2% from the previous year, it is down 2.8% compared to the initial introduction of EGAO link.

Future Initiatives

Four years have passed since the introduction of EGAO link, but time created by increased efficiency has not been utilized enough due to personnel reason rather than the system. Currently, 80% of the care staff is composed of new graduates, and more and more new graduates are being appointed to the positions of head of service and home manager. Therefore, the operator recognizes the need to strengthen education and training to stabilize service management and operations.
In the promotion of science-based care, the operator is also making progress in building care data, which is being used for lifestyle rehabilitation, polypharmacy, etc. However, the operator recognizes that in improving activities of daily living, it is difficult to achieve results beyond maintenance. Another new challenge is to improve the quality of dementia care. The operator aims to alleviate symptoms and promote visualization in the form of improved data by introducing new care methods.
A new care method, the "Independence Support Care Method," was introduced in October 2023. The operator will challenge not only to further improve the quality of time made more efficient by the introduction of EGAO link, but also to realize more valuable scientific caregiving by having young employees learn the method, identify issues with the data, and take actions for improvement. Bunkyohakusan will be one of the key homes to train service managers who are appointed from new graduates to make this a reality.

Effects of Introducing EGAO link at ASHEIM Hikarigaoka

  • HCM &
1. Reduction of care staff

Compared with the previous fiscal year, Staff per month increased by 5.7 people, or 1,003 hours/month. The operator is continuing the structural review of the personnel structure that has been underway since the previous year to increase the ratio of full-time employees and decrease the number of part-time employees. The natural decrease in the number of part-time care staff had a major impact because the operator stopped hiring part-time care staff and shifted to a system centered on full-time, newly graduated employees. This policy will continue in the coming year, so the operator will continue to see a decrease in part-time care staff and an increase in employees.

2. Reducing burden of night-shift work for care staff

The operator changed from a system with three night-shift positions and one semi-night-shift position to a system with two night-shift positions by eliminating the semi-night shift position, and as of September 30, 2023, the operator continues to implement this system.
As of September 30, 2023, even after eliminating the semi-night shift, night-shift staff were able to take 2 hours of break time every day.
Regular inspections were terminated on October 1, 2019, but as of September 30, 2023, the operator had not received any complaints from clients or suggestions from the authorities.

3. Improving quality of nursing care services

The operator has worked to improve operations with the goal of securing 2 hours per day, or 60 hours per month, for the provision of individual activities (activities aimed at revitalizing each resident mentally and physically). When EGAO link was introduced, the number of hours was 56 per month, but as of September 30, 2023, it had decreased to 34 hours.
Note that in fiscal 2022, the average number of hours remained at approximately 70 hours due to the provision of individual activities such as long-distance outings in September 2022.
The operator has taken steps to improve polypharmacy (harmful effects due to combining multiple medications) by using sleep sensors and a medical records software database. With a target of 6.0 or less for the average number of medications used, the operator is promoting optimal use of medications in accordance with residents’ health condition in collaboration with partner medical institutions and pharmacies, based on sleep data and medical records data.
As a result, as of September 30, 2023, the operator has achieved our target with 0.2 medications below the target.
As an index measuring the results of the initiatives implemented to date, the operator has tracked “maintaining and increasing length of stay through improvement of the hospitalization rate.” September 2023 is up 2.6% from the previous year and down 0.2% from the initial introduction, but averaged 1.49% from April to August 2023. The operator considers this to be a temporary situation affected by the appearance of several people with poor health due to aging and underlying diseases.

Future Initiatives

Four years have passed since the introduction of EGAO link, and time created by increased efficiency has been utilized stably. The operator is also making progress in collection of care data, which is being used for lifestyle rehabilitation, polypharmacy, etc. However, the operator recognizes that in improving activities of daily living, it is difficult to achieve results beyond maintenance. Another new challenge is to improve the quality of dementia care. The operator aims to alleviate symptoms and promote visualization in the form of improved data by introducing new methods of care. A new care method, the "Independence Support Care Method," was introduced in October 2023. The operator will challenge not only to further improve the quality of time made more efficient by the introduction of EGAO link, but also to realize more valuable scientific caregiving by having young employees learn the method, identify issues with the data, and take actions for improvement.

Initiatives in Collaboration with the Operators

Tenant (Operator) Satisfaction Survey

  • HAM &

HAM conducts a satisfaction survey of operators of its properties on a regular basis (in principle once a year), and shares the results of this survey (requests, issues, etc.) with the property management company to increase operator satisfaction.

Installation of negative pressure ventilator

  • HCM &

As part of interior arrangements to isolate COVID-19-positive individuals or residents suspected of infection, a simple HEPA ceiling-embedded negative pressure ventilator was installed in short-term care rooms at Green Life Moriguchi.

Installation of In-House Power Generation Facilities

  • HAM &

Of the 53 properties owned by HCM as of the end of March 2024, 48 properties (about 90.6%) are equipped with in-house power generation facilities, forming a system prepared for emergencies.

ESG Promotion Activities for Tenants (Operators)

  • HAM &
ESG Workshops for Operators

HCM holds ESG workshops for operators of its properties to deepen their understanding and to introduce and promote initiatives to address issues based on HAM's Basic Policy on ESG.

Regular information exchanges with operators

HCM has established regular opportunities to exchange information with operators of HCM-owned properties, hearing about issues they are aware of and their ESG-related initiatives, and providing information and ESG-related proposals based on such information.

Distribution of SDGs Promotion Leaflets

HCM distributes "SDGs promotion leaflets" to operators of properties it owns to promote the SDGs during facilities use.

Sponsorship of Music Concerts Organized by Operators

HAM sponsored the Nichii Home Autumn Music Festival 2023 organized by operator Nichii Carepalace Company in October 2023.

Operator Initiatives

Efforts to Prevent Medication Errors at Facilities

  • Operators

Noah Konzer Co., Ltd. has developed a medication administration system called "Fukuyakkun" based on operation of its own facilities, to prevent medication errors by users and improve the work efficiency of facility staff.

1. Development Background

Medication errors (i.e., mistakenly given or forgotten medications) should never happen, but they do, mostly caused by human error, and checking to prevent medication errors has been a major burden for staff at facilities.

2. Mechanism of Medication Error Prevention

When facility staff hand out medication to a resident, they use a mobile terminal to read three QR codes: 1) for the resident, 2) for the staff and 3) for the medication bag in order to prevent errors by checking whether the medication is not for the wrong person, being administered at the wrong time, or a double dose.
In addition, three functions - 1) checking medication status on the computer, 2) checking the list of missed medications on the mobile terminal, and 3) an email notification of missed medication - can prevent forgotten medications.

3. Effects of Introducing Fukuyakkun

The development of Fukuyakkun has made it possible for one staff member and one mobile terminal to reliably check medications, improving operational efficiency at facilities where multiple staff members used to check medications multiple times.
It also enables centralized management of medication tasks, from medication receipt and inspection to distribution, support and completion checks, reducing time spent on medication preparation, administration checks and residual medication checks.
The system has been recognized to protect not only residents but also facility staff from medication errors, so as of May 24, 2024, it has been introduced at 744 facilities in Japan (according to the operator’s survey). HCM has installed the system in a total of 10 facilities owned by HCM, including facilities operated by SOMPO Care Corporation and SUNWELS Co., Ltd., in addition to Noah Konzer Co.,Ltd.

Contribution to Local Communities

Facilities owned by HCM are open to the community, not only to the residents of the facilities, but also to the local community.

Employment support for people with disabilities
  • HCM &

At “Green Life Moriguchi” and “SHIP Senri Building,” hydroponic cultivation of vegetables is carried out as a job assistance project for people with disabilities.

Combining Facilities with Daycares for children

As of the end of March 2024, 4 of the 53 properties owned by HCM were contributing to the local community by housing daycare facilities.

Combined-Use Facilities

Property name Contract area
AQUAMARINE Nishinomiyahama 1,769.00㎡
ASHEIM Bunkyohakusan
Kobe Gakuentoshi Building
SHIP Senri Building
Combining Facilities with Clinics, Pharmacies, and Day Centers

The properties owned by HCM include some in which part of the area is leased to businesses other than facilities/housing for seniors, such as clinics, pharmacies, and day centers.
These areas are open to not only residents of the facility but also the local community in general, providing it with necessary medical and care services.
As of the end of March 2024, 8 of the 53 properties owned by HCM were contributing to the local community by housing clinics or pharmacies.

Combined-Use Facilities (clinic, pharmacy)

Property name Contract area
Kobe Gakuentoshi Building 2,900.46㎡
Smiling Home Medice Adachi
SOMPO CARE La vie Re Hama-Kawasaki
Hanakotoba Shin-Yokohama
Hanakotoba Shin-Yokohama II
Royal Kawaguchi
SHIP Senri Building

As of the end of March 2024, 13 of the 53 properties owned by HCM were contributing to the local community by housing day centers.

Combined-Use Facilities (Day Centers)

Property name
SAWAYAKA Tachibanakan
SAWAYAKA Mekarikan
SOMPO CARE La vie Re Hama-Kawasaki
Royal Kawaguchi
Heartland Kawaguchi Meiseien
ASHEIM Bunkyohakusan (Kids Harmony Hakusan)
Activity of watch over students going to and from school and leaving

Hapine Kobe Uozaki Nibankan conducts activities to watch over students going to and from school as part of community interaction.

Landscape-friendly exterior wall repainting

In the painting of the exterior walls of "Verde Hotaka," with the cooperation and approval of the operator, the color of the exterior walls was changed to the color recommended in the "Beautiful community ordinance created by everyone in Kawaba Village" of Kawaba Village, Tone County, Gunma Prefecture, where this property is located, in consideration of the local landscape.

Initiatives in collaboration with business partners

New selection and monitoring of business partners (PM companies, etc.)

  • HCM &
    Business Partners

In order to promote environmental and social considerations in our supply chain, HCM requests our business partners to understand and cooperate with our environmental and social considerations when selecting new business partners, as well as through regular monitoring and information sharing with existing business partners.

Utilization of outside consultants

  • HCM &
    Business Partners

In conjunction with the TCFD policy formulation, HCM is utilizing the support of NIKKEN SEKKEI RESEARCH INSTITUTE as our expert consultant in planning and implementing measures to improve environmental performance through portfolio energy management and professional building evaluations such as "energy conservation walk-throughs".

Positive Impact of Investing in Healthcare Facilities

Investment in Affordable Senior Housing

  • HCM &

The scatter plots below show the monthly fees of HCM's main facilities on the horizontal axis and the deviation compared with surrounding facilities on the vertical axis. Our investments are diversified rather than skewing toward a high price range.
In particular, the facilities with reasonable monthly fees for their area (the lower-left shaded area) are not only price-competitive but also affordable to a wide range of elderly people. HCM defines these facilities as affordable facilities.
HCM and HAM believe that investing in these affordable facilities for the elderly can contribute to the development and revitalization of communities where people can continue to live.

Data source: Prepared by HAM based on "Paid Nursing Home Product Data: Average Monthly Cost for 60-month Nursing Care Residents" and "Average Monthly Cost for 120-month Independent Residents" by Tamura Planning & Operating.

Efforts to Appoint Female Facility Managers

  • Operators

The percentage of female facility managers at HCM-owned properties reached 27.7% in FY2023, and women are being actively promoted to managerial positions.

Proportion of Female Facility Managers at Properties Owned by HCM (Note1)

  End of
fiscal 2019
End of
fiscal 2020
End of
fiscal 2021
End of
fiscal 2022
End of
fiscal 2023
Number of target properties(Note2) 34 35 36 47 47
Number of male 23 23 25 32 34
Male ratio 67.6% 65.7% 69.4% 68.1% 72.3%
Number of female 11 12 11 15 13
Female ratio 32.4% 34.3% 30.6% 31.9% 27.7%
(Note1) Created based on the disclosure statement of important matters for each facility obtained by HAM every fiscal year.
(Note2) Covers properties owned by HCM at the end of each year, excluding Niigata Rehabilitation Hospital.
“SHIP Senri Building” covers Well House Senri-Chuo, a pay nursing home with care services.

Initiatives at HAM

Human Capital Development

  • HAM
Personnel Data (Diversity & Inclusion)
  Fiscal 2018 Fiscal 2019 Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Number of executives and employees (Note1) 16 17 19 20 21 19
(Number of directly hired executives and employees) 9 10 11 15 19 18
(Number of assigned employees) 7 7 8 5 2 1
Number of male 14 15 17 19 17 15
Male ratio 93.8% 94.1% 94.7% 95.0% 81.0% 78.9%
Number of female 1 1 1 1 4 4
Female ratio 6.3% 5.9% 5.3% 5.0% 19.0% 21.1%
Number of manager 6 6 7 7 7 7
Number of male 6 6 7 7 7 7
Male ratio 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Number of female 0 0 0 0 0 0
Female ratio 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Number of new hires 2 2 1 4 7 1
Number of employees leaving the company 1 1 0 0 4 2
Annual turnover rate (Note2) 6.3% 5.9% 0.0% 0.0% 19.0% 11.1%
Average monthly overtime hours 40.1 hours 27.5 hours 25.6 hours 35.9 hours 30.2 hours 26.9 hours
Average employment 2 years and 5 months 3 years and 0 months 3 years and 4 months 3 years and 3 months 4 years and 11 months 4 years and 4 months
Average paid leave acquired 11.7 days 16.3 days 10.9 days 11.2 days 13.7 days 17.2 days
Acquisition Rate 55.9% 71.1% 53.3% 56.1% 70.8% 86.0%
Health examination / screening rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Occupational injury frequency (Note3) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
(Note1) Numbers of employees are as of the end of each fiscal year (March 31).
(Note2) The ratio of employees leaving the company to all executives and employees as of the end of each fiscal period (March 31) are indicated.
(Note3) Occupational injury frequency = Number of occupational injury ÷ Total actual working hours × 1,000,000
Human Capital Development Initiatives / Framework for Ensuring that Executives and Employees Are Suitably Motivated

In order for all executives and employees to improve their professional skills, HAM recommends the acquisition of qualifications that are closely related to our business, such as a Real Estate Notary license or ARES Certified Master license.

HAM also encourages active participation in outside seminars.

Number of Employees Holding Qualifications as of the End of March 2024
(including employees on temporary assignment from the sponsors, etc.)
Real Estate Notary 12 57.1%
ARES Certified Master 9 42.9%
First-Class Architect 1 4.8%
Property Manager 3 14.3%
Real Estate Consulting Master 1 4.8%
Certified Building Administrator 4 19.0%
Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant 1 4.8%
Chartered Member Analyst of the Securities Analysts Association of Japan 2 4.8%
Medical Management Specialist, Second Grade 1 4.8%
Medical Management Specialist, Third Grade 5 23.8%
(Note) Including passing the examination
Education and training expenses per person
Fiscal 2023 85,559 yen

In order to foster and improve self-directed compliance awareness, HAM holds monthly compliance workshops and rigorously implement customer-oriented business operations (fiduciary duty) for all executives and employees.

  Fiscal 2020 Fiscal 2021 Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Number of compliance workshops 22 23 22 25
Number of participation in external compliance workshops 13 26 17 15
Main theme of compliance workshops Fiscal 2021
(Number of participants/ Participation rate)(Note)
Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Compliance program of each fiscal year 21 /100% 22 /100% 22 /100%
FSA Administrative Guidelines, Supervisory Guidelines, Basic Policy on Securities Monitoring, etc. 21 /100% 19 /100% 22 /100%
Basic Policy on Customer-Oriented Business Operation 19 /100%
Exclusion of anti social force 21 /100% 22 /100% 22 /100%
Insider Trading Regulations and Corporate Related Information Management System 21 /100% 20 /100% 22 /100%
Information Management as an Asset Management Company 21 /100% 20 /100% 22 /100%
Prevention of misdirected e-mails ①22 /100%
②21 /100%
Management of Personal Information and Data 21 /100% 20 /100% 22 /100%
Disclosure / Fair Disclosure 20 /100% 19 /100% 22 /100%
Regulations on Conduct under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, Issuance Disclosure and Distribution Disclosure 20 /100% 18 /100% 22 /100%
Appropriate Management of Related Party Transactions and Conflicts of Interest 20 /100% 19 /100% ①22 /100%
②21 /100%
Accidents, Scandals and Clerical Errors 21 /100% 20 /100% 22 /100%
Complaint Handling and Financial ADR System 22 /100% 18 /100% 21 /100%
Prevention of Money Laundering and Confirmation at Time of Transaction 20 /100% 20 /100% ①22 /100%
②21 /100%
FATCA 20 /100% 21 /100% 21 /100%
Reporting Obligations to FSA, MLIT, etc., Statutory Ledgers and Licensing Matters 20 /100% 21 /100% 21 /100%
Rules on Entertainment/Gifts and Prevention of Bribery 20 /100% 18 /100% 22 /100%
Human rights 18 /100% 22 /100%
Items of Special Note Regarding Real Estate Fund Managers 20 /100% 21 /100%
Confirmation Tests (first quarter) 16 /100% 16 /100% 21 /100%
Confirmation Tests (second quarter) 18 /100% 14 /100% 21 /100%
Confirmation Tests (third quarter) 18 /100% 15 /100% 20 /100%
Confirmation Tests (fourth quarter) 18 /100% 19 /100% 20 /100%
(Note) The participation rate is calculated using the number of full-time directors and employees as the denominator and the number of participants as the numerator. Follow-up training is provided for those absent on the day of the workshop, and the number of participants includes those who attended the follow-up training. In addition, participants in Compliance Test exclude test creators.
Actions Aimed at Securing Human Resources

HAM has continued to consider new hires for the purpose of ensuring that we have sufficient human resources and to promote the development of an employee-friendly working environment, such as actively encouraging employees to take paid leave (paid leave usage rate in FY2023: 86.0%), with the aim of improving the motivation of employees and executives and retaining them on a long-term basis. HAM has set a goal of 100% paid leave utilization in FY2023, and is working to ensure that employees plan to take their paid leave.
In addition, as part of our human resources strategy, HAM is working to enhance our asset management operations by accepting highly specialized employees with diverse backgrounds from the sponsor companies.

Initiatives for Fair Personnel Evaluation

HAM has revised its personnel evaluation system, clarifying the roles and abilities required for each employee level, to evaluate job performance, base element, and comprehensive achievement of three performance targets which consist of single-year targets, medium-term targets and skill development. The final evaluation for the year for each employee is determined through regular interviews with and feedback from primary and secondary evaluators, making it a fair personnel evaluation process.

Benefits and work-life balance

Introduction of Cumulative Investment System
HAM has introduced a cumulative investment system that allows directly hired executives and employees to purchase HCM investment units. It is expected that the introduction of this system will assist executives and employees with asset-building and make them more conscious of improving business performance, which HAM believes will contribute to the continuous growth of HCM and improved unitholder value. Moreover, with the aim of promoting investment unit acquisition by employees and thereby enhancing the impact of the system, HAM began providing financial incentives in April 2021.

Introduction of Corporate Defined Contribution Pension Plan
HAM has introduced a corporate defined contribution pension plan as one of its benefit programs, with the aim of contributing to the lifelong stability and welfare of its executives and employees.

Vacation System
HAM provides a vacation system which includes leave for weddings, funerals, pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, sick or injured children, family care and sick.

Premium Friday
As part of our efforts to reform the way we work, HAM encourages employees to leave the office early on "Premium Friday" (the last Friday of the month).

Health Examinations
Health examinations with items of inspection exceeding the legal requirement are conducted once every year.

Employee Satisfaction Survey
HAM conducted a questionnaire survey on employee satisfaction in 2021 through a third-party investigation agency in order to understand employee’s perceptions of work as well as the conditions of the workspace and to realize an office environment that is conducive to work. HAM has conducted a survey on employee satisfaction every year since 2022.
Employees were questioned anonymously on items such as resonance with the corporate philosophy, worthwhileness of work and personal relationship and atmosphere of the workplace. The results of the survey were shared with all employees. HAM will continue introducing measures that will further increase the satisfaction of employees.

Arrangement of the Office Environment

HAM implements the following in an effort to establish an environment that is conducive to the work of executives and employees.

  • Introduction of a system of remote working
  • All executives and employees are lent laptops with secure communication environments via VPN connection.
  • Monitors, etc. are loaned to those who wish to ensure a working environment equivalent to an office.
  • Installation of multiple low-concentration ozone generators (Airness)
  • Installation of large-scale monitors in meeting rooms
Digitization of Internal Meeting Materials

In September 2022, HAM implemented a paperless system for meeting materials at its officer meetings, Management Committee meetings and Board of Directors meetings in order to reduce environmental impact. As a result of this initiative, the total number of paper sheets used for approximately three months was reduced by 13,259 sheets (about 28.0%) year-on-year.

(Note) Calculated based on the total for the three-month period from August 21 to November 20 of each fiscal year.
Environmentally friendly asset management reporting

HAM selects environmentally friendly ink and paper for the Asset Management Report, and has reduced the size of the Asset Management Report since the fiscal year ended July 31, 2023, thereby reducing the amount of paper used.

Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights

HAM has established a "Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights" to continuously promote activities that respect human rights.

Employee Opinion Exchange Meeting

HAM holds meetings for employees to exchange opinions with each other, excluding managers, to improve engagement.

Initiatives for DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion)

HAM respects diverse personality of each employee, and strives to establish and improve an employee-friendly working environment and equitable human resource support system that maximizes each employee's ability. These initiatives will not only increase job satisfaction of each employee but also enhance engagement between the company and employees. HAM believes that these initiatives will contribute to improving unitholder value over the long term.

Therefore, HAM has set targets as follows:

  • Basic Targets:
    Achieve 100% participation rate of full-time executives and employees in training.
    Achieve 100% employee satisfaction survey collection rate.
  • Long-term Targets:
    Deepen the understanding of DEI among executives and employees, thoroughly analyze current issues, and establish internal system to secure DEI by reviewing various rules and systems.

The training was outsourced as an in-house workshop on DEI, and the participation rate was 95.5% in FY2023.
Employee satisfaction survey collection rate was 94.7% in FY2023.

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